Bespoke Research

We deliver bespoke research and custom case studies for leading organizations. Our unique blend of academic rigor, empirical analysis, practical insights, and straightforward writing creates compelling material to deliver fresh insights for your business.

Our highly experienced team will work with you to understand and refine the objectives of a research project, then scope and conduct the research, and translate our findings to meet your aims. Firms use our research to enhance their market profile, engage deeper with clients, stimulate board-level debates, or produce actionable insights for their leadership development programming, for example.

We can draw on our wide network of highly skilled specialists (statisticians, copy editors, case writers, graphic designers, etc.) to create a unique product.

Example research topics:

  • Report: Changing demands on in-house legal teams (and what it means for law firms)
  • Report: Career paths for in-house lawyers
  • Report: Diversity initiative outcomes; Gender implications of Smart Collaboration
  • Case study: Motivating Millennials: Associates’ view of their professional career
  • Case study: A professional firm’s expansion into Asia
  • Case study: Leadership succession process and outcome
  • Case study: Performance management changes and compensation review
Bespoke research